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How we care for our trees and ensure customer satisfaction.

Providing Premium Quality Coconut Trees

At Heaven's Acres we make the care and all around maintenance of our trees our top priority. We look to provide and ensure a healthy and beautiful tree by implementing premium measures of care and precautions for our customers. 

Palm Leaf

How We Grow Our Trees

Our parent trees supply all of our new trees. We collect our nuts weekly and plant those we choose to be viable. The process of potting starts in Florida gray sand in 2 to 3 gallon growing containers. These nuts are then allowed the time to choose to sprout or not.  Sprouts take from a few weeks to several months to emerge while some may not sprout at all. Some of these trees are then moved up to larger containers. Seven, fifteen, and thirty gallon Jackpots are used. 

Heaven's Acres Inc. Coconut Tree Farm


Palm Beach Gardens and Frostproof, FL

Call 863-589-6485


US Department of Agriculture number: FL-2186 

Florida Department of Agriculture nursery stock inspection registration number:48015863.

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